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Who We Are

Who We Are

We are a house that fosters and shapes people’s identity in Christ so that they can be positioned in purpose, for purpose, and on purpose.


We are intentional about building people through developing strong and healthy relationships with lifelong connections rooted in fellowship and fun as well as being a bridge of resources both locally and globally through partnerships and community outreach.


We desire to see transformation and growth in the lives of every believer by creating authentic and pure atmospheres for prayer and worship encounters as well as implementing our schools of ministry which include The School of Prayer, The School of Evangelism, The School of the Prophetic, The School of Deliverance, and Bible Studies I and II.


What We Believe

  • We believe in the Holy Trinity; God the Father who is the creator of everything; Jesus, God the son and the visible image of God who died for our sins, rose again with all power, ascended into heaven, and is coming back to usher in the fullness of His kingdom; and God the Holy Spirit who comes to dwell inside, assist, and empower every person who professes that Jesus Christ is Lord. 


  • We believe in the salvation and redemption of man, as well as the eternal existence of Heaven and Hell.


  • We believe in the Holy Bible as the infallible truth, the inspired and written word of God.  


  • We believe in the Apostle’s doctrine which includes the full function of the five fold ministry and the releasing of all of the gifts of the spirit according to Ephesians 4:8-11 and 1 Corinthians 12:4-10.


  • We believe in the doctrine of water baptism and baptism by the fire of the Holy Spirit.


  • We believe in the partaking of Holy Communion, remembering the sacrifices of Christ on the cross.


  • We believe in a lifestyle of fasting and prayer as taught and demonstrated by Jesus Christ. For the Word declares to us that some things only come out by prayer and fasting as according to Mark 9:29.


  • We believe in deliverance and healing through the casting out of evil spirits according to the ministry of Jesus Christ, and according to the word which gives us power and authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all of the powers of the enemy, and nothing shall be able to hurt us according to Luke 10:19.


Our Mission

  • To preach the gospel to all nations, and to see the lost come into relationship with Jesus Christ.


  • To help deepen the believer’s relationship with Christ through a lifestyle of prayer, fasting, a radical pursuit of God’s presence, and the Word.


  • To assist in the cultivation of gifts and callings so that believers can be launched into their divine assignments for which only they were created to fulfill.


  • To build marriages and families which is God’s first apostolic mandate so that His love can be replicated in communities and throughout the world. 


  • To foster and build a healthy and strong community. Community is the context for discipleship. The Christian faith is not intended to be lived in isolation. We were made for relationship with God and for one another. We believe in circles, not rows, because we belong not merely to a local church, but to a people. 

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